- Resemblant of the genre "Dance" music, my magazine uses bright colours much similar to that of everyday music magazines
- My magazine uses one primary colour scheme, that of 'black and yellow', this is both opposed to and in cohesion with default colour schemes of dance magazines.
- Eventhough the examples show a clear two or three colour arrangement, on the inside their are often multiple use of other colours. This however is disimilar to mine as I continue the theme of black and yellow throughout
- My front cover is in keeping with that of dance front covers, this is clearly evident as the main format is to have a one person main clsoe-up image with text flowing around. I have done this as I have used a one person main image, capturing from the shoulders upwards.
- My masthead is also like that of the genre in relation to my media product. My title is named 'POWER' in complete bold text, this is much like 'VIBE', one name but it is bold explosive and catchy
2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
- My magazine is predominantly aimed towards adolescents and young adults, but to retain a friendly appeal my magazine is open to all fans of dance music.
- My feature artist 'Darwin' is an edgy character who has a certain arrogance and rebllious side, but at the same time is porductive and creative as he is knon for making the best newest house music.
- Using Darwin is representative of young people, or is an impiled icon for young people as he is supposed to be a overall symbol first and for most for youth in modern times, as he is active and bold. But he is also used to be an inspirational character and to be a sort of boost for youth in relation to productivity and expressing yourself positively.
- I used this particular genre for Darwin as dance or more specifically 'house' is a major genre in terms of popularity for young people, therefore the intention was that young people would be more engaged and interested in my magazine, for what is represents and for what it offers and a personal release.
- My main feature article has an upbeat feel to it, as like the style of music it's supposed to be lively but and welcoming at the same time. The main purpose for this magazine on the whole is to be a release for young people, away from any hostility and issues that may be surrounded. A place were you view in order to have fun and focus on nothing else but being up to dated with all the latest news in the world of house music.
3. What kind of instituion might distribute our media product and why?
- I believe the 'Bauer' media group would be most suitible to distributing my magazine.
- 'Bauer' is one of the biggest magazine distributors in the world, they reach a very wide audience in all their magazine stlyes. They distribute from content from music to lifestyle, in relation to my project, magazines such as 'Q', 'Kerrang', and 'Mojo', fall under Bauer ownership.
- Distributing 3 of the largest music magazines shows that they are respected, trusted and shows most importantly that they generate a larger income.
- Eventhough not specifically music related, Bauer distributes to any age and for almost any subject, whether that be current affairs, gardening, sport or even to vintage cars. These other subject matters aren't related to my own magazine, but even so, this at least means a very varied audience will be attract and therefore will or should at some point come across my magazine even if looking for something else.
- In order to distribute my magazine effectively and efficiently, I would want to release my magazine in the form of new social media. This means methods such as an app, and various social media accounts like twitter and facebook.
- By doing this, magazine should appeal to people of a younger generation keeping my company seemingly active and up to date with the modern world.
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