Wednesday, 24 September 2014


I have now finished my haydon magazine. The final product was not as I had fully intended but I am still happy with what I have produced. I believe my skills with the software used to make the magazine have improved drastically since the start, I am still not one hundred percent confident on the software but I have grasped the basics and generally know how to put the software into practice. This includes placing photographs, creating texts borders and changing the fonts and colours of the texts. My creative ideas changed for my final design, I chose a different front cover photo, whilst at the same time changing the colour scheme to only dark blue and white opposed to my original idea of using red aswell. I chose to change the colour scheme to only blue and white for consistency so when the reader looks at the magazine everything flows and their eye isn't bombarded by an array of colours. I used two thumbnails unlike my design ideas which only had one thumbnail. Further, I didn't use the text borders I had intended to use, this is due to my lack of knowledge and ability on the software, I therefore didn't use any borders and let the text sit freely. I used the font I wanted to use for the magazine title, I continued this style of font for the rest of the of the text on the front of the magazine. I did this for the same reason I made the colour scheme all the same, for consistency and look better on the page, unlike if there were to be multiple fonts which would make the text look uncomfortable/out of place when placed together on the page. For the contents page the idea was kept from my design plans, but the shadow effect was not used and the background colour fades from white into black unlike my plans which just had a plain white background. The pictures I used at the bottom of the page were as I had imagined. In conclusion, I am pleased with my final magazine product and with extended use of the magazine making software I will gain experience and become more adapt meaning I will be better at using the program, which will be beneficial to my music magazine project.  

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