I have chosen the work of Amy Wichelow to analyse. I think her work I very colourful, imaginative and interesting. Her front cover is very bold, with a close up to a girl's face whilst also using bold text and a variation of text design. She has been creative as in the bottom right corner she has used the effect to seem asthough the page is turning, in order to entice you to read on. Her contents page is also good as there is a range of pictures, and items clearly labeled. The only criticism I would give for the contents page is that the wording is small and quite compact, meaning it could be difficult to follow and less interesting to read. Throughout she uses many pictures to draw the reader's eye, she also uses quotes in her text which is allows the stories in the magazine to have a deep context. There is a fair amount of text variation throughout, she uses some bold lettering especially for quotes where she makes the text very bold and colourful to contrast to the normal smaller thin text. Overall, I would say her work is of a very high standard which not only uses pictures to tell the stories but a wide variety of textual methods aswell.
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